The Supreme Court in which case directed all the States and Union Territories to consider the ‘plight of acid attack victims and take appropriate ste...
As per the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita, 2023 ____________ means a group of two or more persons who, acting either singly or jointly, as a syndicate or gang ...
If the quorum is not present within half-an-hour from the time appointed for holding a meeting of the company the meeting, if called by requisitionists ...
Why the Constitution is considered the supreme law of the land in India?
According to Code 35 (1) of the Occupational Safety, Health, and Working Conditions Code, 2020, who is responsible for prosecuting, conducting, or defe...
As per the Specific Relief Act what is the liability of a person having the possession or control of a particular article of movable property, of which ...
There shall be no appeal by a convicted person where the High Court passes a sentence of imprisonment for a term not exceeding :
Which of the following is not an example of a public trust doctrine?
Which of the following is not a duty of the mortgagee ?
What is the effect of violation of the rule: “Audi Alteram Partem” on an administrative action?