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• पत्थर का पर्यायवाची– पाषाण पाहन, उपल, अश्म, शिला, प्रस्तर। •अंश के पर्याय अंग, भाग, हिस्सा, अवयव। •प्रकाश के पर्यायवाची : उजाला, प्रभा, रोशनी, दीप्ती, चमक, ज्योति, पदीप्ती, द्युति, उजियाला, आलोक, प्रदीप, छवि, उज्ज्वलता, लाइट। • किरण के पर्यायवाची शब्द : मयूख, अंशु, रश्मि, मरीचि, प्रभा, गो, अर्चि, कर, ज्योति, दीप्ति, आदि।
‘TRISHNA mission’, recently seen in the news, is a collaborative project between which two countries?
Which of the following were the significance of Cripps MIssion proposal?
1. The British government acknowledged India’s right to be a dom...
Stand Up India Programme envisages each bank branch to give loan between ₹ 10 lakh to ₹ 100 lakh
1. to at least one SC/ST borrower
Under the Payment of Wages Act, 1936, wages shall be paid to an employee within a period of _____ days from the last day of the wage period.
A boat's speed while moving downstream is 60% higher than its speed while moving upstream. If the boat covers 720 km downstream in 18 hours, determine ...
The revenues and expenses of a company are displayed in which statement?
What will come in place of the question mark (?) in the following equation, if '+' and '−' are interchanged and also '×' and '÷' are interchanged?...
A 170 m long train crosses another 310 m long train running in the opposite direction in 16 seconds. If the shorter train crosses a pole in 17 seconds, ...
Consider the following statements:
1. The Parliament can increase the number of Judges of the Supreme Court and High courts.
2. The s...
Which one of the following is not a feature of monopolistic competition?