Which trees in an even-aged stand have crowns that occupy a subordinate position in the canopy, receiving some direct light from above but none from the...
ICAR- Central Agroforestry Research Institute is located at
Practice involves cutting or heading back the main stem of a tree at a certain height from the ground level. This practice encourages the growth of new ...
A group of commercial crops of perennial nature, cultivated extensively in tropical and subtropical situations which need employment of labour through o...
According to Champion and Seth (1967), which is NOT one of the 5 major groups of forests in India?
Eucalyptus leaves are an important source of essential oil which has some medicinal properties which contains
What is the total forest cover of country according to the ISFR 2019
Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana (PMKSY) was launched in the year___
What is an ‘Improvement felling’ in the context of forestry?
What type of forest is composed of trees of different ages with more than 25% age difference permitted?