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'वह घर पहुँच गया इस वाक्य में 'पहुँच गया' शब्द 'संयुक्त क्रिया' का उदाहरण है। संयुक्त क्रिया - ऐसी क्रिया जो किन्ही दो क्रियाओं के मिलने से बनती है वह सयुंक्त क्रिया कहलाती है। अगर हम दुसरे शब्दों में कहें तो जब दो क्रिया मिलकर किसी तीसरी नयी क्रिया का निर्माण करती हैं, तो वह नयी क्रिया सयुंक्त क्रिया कहलाती है। जैसे - वह खा चुका।
Rajiv, Sanju and Tanu started a business with the investment of Rs. (z-400), (z-1000) and (z+200) respectively. After four months, Rajiv decreased his i...
A started a business with an investment of Rs. 1000. After some months, B joins the business with an investment of Rs.3000 and after two more months C j...
In a business, A invested Rs. 1200 more than that by B. After 8 months, A left the business. If at the end of the year, profit earned by B is equal to t...
‘A’ and ‘B’ invested Rs. 4000 and Rs. 2000, respectively in a business, together. After 7 months, ‘A’ withdrew 20% of his initial investment...
‘A’ invested Rs. 7800 for ‘x’ months while ‘B’ invested Rs. 1300 less amount than ‘A’ for (x + 3) months...
The savings of I and J are the same. The difference between J's expenditure and the savings of I and J together equals 0. J's income is Rs. 54,000, and ...
A and B started a retail store with initial investments in the ratio 8:9 and their annual profits were in the ratio 2:3. If A invested the money for 6 m...
A starts business with Rs.9000 and after 8 months, B joins with A as his partner. After a year, the profit divided in the 4:5. What is B’s contributi...
In a business there are two partners ‘P’ and ‘Q’. ‘P’ started the business with the capital of Rs. 25000 and after 3 months ‘Q’ joined h...
'A' and 'B' started a business by investing Rs. 6,000 and Rs. 8,000, respectively. If 'A' and 'B' invested their investments for 9 months and 15 months,...