वाक्य संरचना के अनुरूप यही सही क्रम हैं
Find the appropriate word.
During the bilateral 2+2 dialogue held in April this year, the two countries agreed to ___________ the possibilities of using Indian shipyards f...
Choose the most appropriate word to fill the blank (e)
Choose the most appropriate option for blank no. 3
1. We must recognize that politics
P. about the careers and fortunes
Q. citizens and not
R. and elections are about
S. the l...
Find the appropriate word.
Which of the following is the synonym/antonym of the word ‘unending’?
Fill the blank 4.
Which of the following statements is/are correct according to the passage?
(i) A recent study reveals that up to 70% of nutrients can be provided...
Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank