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जिसका संधि विच्छेद 'जगत्+नाथ = जगन्नाथ' होगा।
Which one of the FOLLOWING does not obey Mendel's law
At what height, geostationary satellites are placed above the earth surface?
The process where two crystals that are in a point of contact, join together into one crystal is called as .....................recrystallization.
The study and science for the Aesthetic and shady plantation for decoration/ Ornamental purpose?
How many agro-climatic zones are there in India?
Liquorice is also known as -
The pest which can be managed by minimizing field gleanings is?
The oxidation of one molecule of NADH in mitochondria results in formation of
Not lesg than one-third of the total number of seats in all the three tiers of panchayat shall be roserved for women - It provides
The branches in cotton which bear fruits are called as: