दूसरे शब्दों में जिन वाक्यों में केवल एक ही उद्देश्य और एक ही विधेय होता है, उन्हें साधारण वाक्य या सरल वाक्य कहते हैं। इसमें एक उद्देश्य' और एक 'विधेय' रहते हैं। जैसे- 'बिजली चमकती है,' पानी बरसा ।
Green manure plants used by farmers mainly belong to
The instrument used to measure total incoming solar radiations is
What is the purpose of the "AgriSURE Fund" launched in September 2024?
The seed rate of white jute is required for line sowing:
Microbial population of a soil in general
A situation when the rainfall deficiency is 25% or more of long term average, it is classified as
In maize crop, use of atrazine for weed control in maize has resulted in invasion of maize fields by _____
Which caste of honeybee is reared in large finger-shaped cells in the lower portion of the combs and is carefully looked after by young workers known as...
What is the recommended temperature range for maintaining the mushroom house during the spawn run of Oyster mushrooms?
What is the MSP of common paddy according to 2018-19?