मूल शब्द संस्कृत का उज्ज्वल है, जो उत् और ज्वल की संधि से बना है। उत् और ज्वल में संधि होने पर उत् का त् ज् में बदल गया। इस कारण उज्ज्वल शब्द में दो ज् (ज्ज्) हैं।
Three individuals, L, M, and N, invest Rs 28,000, Rs 35,000, and Rs 42,000 respectively in a business. At the end of the year, they earn a profit of Rs ...
‘A’ and ‘B’ started a business by investing Rs. 12,000 and Rs. 14000, respectively. 12 months later, ‘C’ joined the business by investing Rs...
A invested Rs X in a scheme. After 6 months, B joined with Rs 15000 more than that of A. After an year, ratio of profit of B to the total profit ...
Palash invest twice the sum invested by Vicky and withdraws half of the sum after 5 months and again withdraws half of the remaining sum after 5 months....
Amit and Ben started a partnership by investing Rs.3600 and Rs.4500, respectively. Amit's investment period is 'x' months, while Ben's investment period...
A and B together started a business by investing their capital in the ratio of 10:9, respectively and total amount invested by them together is Rs. 1140...
Three friends, Palak, Shinu, and Riya, joined forces to start a partnership business, contributing money in the ratio of 5:4:2, respectively, for a dura...
A and B together start a business with investment of Rs. 2200 and Rs. (x + 500), respectively. If the profit earned after 5 years is Rs. 5000 and share ...
A started a business with an investment of Rs 16,000. After 2 months B joins in with 5/8 of the amount that A invested and A withdraws Rs 4,000. After 2...
A and B started a business with the investments of Rs. (z-2000) and Rs. (z+4000) respectively. After 4 months of the start of the business, B left it an...