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कर्मधारय =नीलगगन
तत्पुरुष समास = तुलसीकृत
बहुव्रीहि समास = चक्रधर
1. During the science
P. lab, the students
Q. was gooey enough
R. to stick to the
S. created a glutinous mixture that
6. walls when thrown.
Choose the appropriate option to arrange the sentences in the correct order to form a meaningful paragraph.
A-To defend conservative values,
...A. outstanding loans by September 2018, so the end
B. to continue to rise to as high as 11.1% of total
Given below are four jumbled sentences. Pick the option that gives their correct order.
A Unfortunately this resulted in his going to jail.
<...Which of the following is the third sentence of the passage?
Select the option that arranges sentences B, C, D and E in a logical sequence.
Sentences A and F are static.
What could be the LAST (SIXTH) sentence after rearrangement?
1. The uncluttered
P. either side of the Pamban Bridge
Q. and undisturbed stretches
R. of sand and sparkling