हिन्दी भाषा में मूल रूप से ग्यारह स्वर होते हैं। ग्यारह स्वर के वर्ण : अ,आ,इ,ई,उ,ऊ,ऋ,ए,ऐ,ओ,औ आदि। हिन्दी भाषा में ऋ को आधा स्वर(अर्धस्वर) माना जाता है,अतः इसे स्वर में शामिल किया गया है।
Which festival involves the 'ties of protection' between siblings?
In the full form of MUDRA, A stands for ____________
What is the official currency of Bangladesh?
The currency of Thailand is:
What is the main ingredient in the manufacture of glass?
Recently who has taken over as the Managing Director of the ONGC Videsh Limited?
Consider the following statements:
1. Article 82 of the Indian constitution mandates the Parliament to enact a Delimitation Act after every Cen...
In which Indian city was Asia’s first health research-related 'Pre-clinical Network Facility' under CEPI inaugurated?
Which one enacts the establishment of an Inter-State Council to facilitate the seamless conduct of affairs between the Union and states and the resoluti...
Cooperative Credit Societies Act was enacted in the year?