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Select the correctly punctuated sentence from the options below.
I. If he sells this car, he will get 10% commission , which is around $5000.
II. The commission is calling for a global...
It is common for heads of health services at national, state or district levels in India to be orthopaedic or cardiac surgeons or ophthalmologists who h...
Forest landscape restoration seek (1)/to involve communities in the process of designing (2)/and executing mutually advantageous interventions (3)/for t...
In this question, there is a list of four sentences marked P, Q, R and S that follows a given sentence that together forms a paragraph. Find the proper...
Directions: In the following sentence, four words given in bold are marked as A, B, C, and D, which are possible pairs to be interchanged. Ch...
There is no place in the bus, it is already over-crowded.
Identify the highlighted part of speech, choose the correct answer
The director told the actors, “ Do your best and we’ll be a hit”.
Inference- Loss of biodiversity affects indigenous people badly.
I. Due to their subsistence economies and spiritual connection to lands and t...
It is ironic that compared (A) being a net exporter and food surplus country at the aggregate (B) level, India has a 50% higher prevalence (C) of...