इसमें लोक सभा के 20 तथा राज्य सभा के 10 सदस्य होते हैं जिनका चुनाव एकल संक्रमणीय तरीके से किया जाता है।
Which of the following CPU registers is used to store data and intermediate results produced by the ALU?
Copying a process from memory to disk to allow space for other processes is called __________.
Which search engine was developed by Microsoft?
Which of the following connects musical Instruments to the CPU?
A megabyte is equal to _______ bytes.
A computer system generally has a memory storage to store large amounts of data permanently. Which of the following options represents the storage space...
The CPU, also called the______ when talking about PC, does the vast majority of the processing for a computer.
DDR is referred to_____________
In which field of an email message is the BCC option typically located?
What is the shortcut key for ‘Selecting File Menu’?