शुद्ध वर्तनी अशुद्ध वर्तनी अर्थ
उच्छ्वास उच्छवास लम्बा श्वास
निहारिका नीहारिका ओस की बूँद
महात्मगण महात्मागण महात्मा लोग
How many boxes are there between Y and X?
Seven persons, P, Q, R, S, T, U and V, live in a building, which has seven floors. The floor, which is at the bottommost position is numbered as 1, the ...
Which one of the following boxes is kept just above the box F?
Which of the following is true with respect to V as per the given information?
Which of the following is true?
Who lives three floors above V?
Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and hence they form a group. Which one of the following does not belong to that group?
...Who among the following person(s) is/are living between Pooja and Naman?
(i) Ritu
(ii) Neelam
(iii) Ankit
Who amongst the following lives on the floor numbered 7?
Who lives two floors below S (same flat type)?