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The correct answer is B
Who is the publisher of the Financial Inclusion Index (FI Index) in India, which assesses the level of financial inclusion across the nation?
India’s rank in the 2024 Rule of Law Index by the World Justice Project is:
How much has been the export of smartphones in 2022-23 (FY23) over the previous year’s figure of $5.48 billion (Rs 45,000 crore)?
The 'Centre of Jain Manuscriptology' established at Gujarat University is funded by the Ministry of Minority Affairs with how much budget?
Armenia became which number member of the International Solar Alliance (ISA)?
For the street animal, India’s first ambulance service has been started in which city of the country?
Gandhi-Irwin Pact was signed in which year?
Recently G7 has committed to deliver _________ of budget aid to Ukraine this year to continue functioning amid destruction wrought by Russia’s inv...
Dr. Yashpal Singh, an Eklavya Model Residential School teacher, was honored with which prestigious award in 2023?
Which logistics company has joined ONDC (Open Network for Digital Commerce), enabling Pan India delivery services to over 20,000 pin codes?