(1) क्रियाविशेषण (2) सम्मुचयबोधक (3) संबंधबोधक (4) विस्मयादि बोधक (5) निपात
Some men are Bengalis.
All women are Bengalis.
I. No Bengali is a man.
II. Some wo...
Four of the following five are somehow similar and therefore create a group. Which of these is not related to this group?
Find the upcoming numbers in this series.
19, 28, 46, 82, 154,?
Select the option in which the following figure is embedded. (Rotation is NOT allowed)
In the given letter – cluster pairs, the first letter – cluster is related to the second letter – cluster following a certain logic. Study the giv...
Which of the following assumptions of the given statement is valid?
They will be leaving in an hour, but now I have to rememb...
44 : 4 :: 287 : 7 :: ? : 10
In the following question, select the related letters from the given alternatives.
CPO : ANM :: JWX : ?
In a certain code language, 'BOXER' is written as '251224229'. How will 'PULLY' be written in that language?
If 'Chair' is called 'Fan', 'Fan' is called 'Remote', 'Remote' is called 'Bottle', 'Bottle' is called 'Glass', 'Glass' is called 'Stabilizer', then in w...