भगत सिंह के बलिदान को कैसे भुलाया जा सकता है।
Food processing is the transformation of agricultural products into?
The testing process in which the uniform application of desired seed rate ensured before operation of seed drill is specifically called
‘Indore Process’ is related to:
Which planting system accommodates maximum plants?
What is the pattern of assistance for women beneficiary for purchase of power tiller (8 H.P and above) under Sub-mission on Agricultural Mechanization (...
What does IAMWARM stand for?
A scheme in which the Center transfers an amount of Rs 6,000 per year, in three equal installments, directly into the bank accounts of all landholding f...
Periwinkle is cultivated as
Which Fish has the highest protein content?
Central inland fisheries research institute was establishment in?