संज्ञा या सर्वनाम के जिस रूप से वाक्य के अन्य शब्दों के साथ उनका (संज्ञा या सर्वनाम का) सम्बन्ध सूचित हो, उसे ‘कारक’ कहते हैं। हिन्दी में कारको की संख्या आठ है- (1) कर्ता कारक (2) कर्म कारक (3) करण कारक (4) सम्प्रदान कारक (5) अपादान कारक (6) सम्बन्ध कारक (7) अधिकरण कारक (8) संबोधन कारक
Currently, the ages of Vikesh and Vishal are in a ratio of 7:5. Vijay's age is 20% lower than Vishal's. If the average age of Vikesh, Vishal, and Vijay ...
Difference of ages of father and son is 24 years. Two years back age of father was twice the son's present age.
What is father's age now?
The ratio of the present ages of father and his son is 8:3. The product of their ages 3 years ago was 29 times of his son’s age that year. What was so...
The ratio of the present ages of Naresh and Supara is 7: 3. Three years from now, the ratio of their ages will be 2 : 1. The current age of Naresh is___...
Four years ago, the ages of A and B were in the ratio of 6:7. Twelve years from now, their ages will be in the ratio of 10:11. Calculate the average of ...
My grandfather was 7 times older to me 14 years ago. He would be 3.5 times of my age after 7 years from now. 7 years ago, what was the ratio of my age t...
The ratio of age of ‘B’ after 2 years from now and age of ‘C’ 4 years ago from now is 7:4, respectively. The present age of ‘C’ is 40% of th...
The sum of the present ages of 'P' and 'R' is 70 years. 'y' years ago from now, the age of 'R' was 40% more than that of 'P'. If '2y' years hence from n...
The ratio of present ages of Alice and Bob is 5:7, respectively. Charlie, who is 3 years older than Alice, will become 40 years older after 12 years. Fi...
A lad was asked his age by his friend. The lad said “The number you get when you subtract 25 times my age from twice the square of my age wi...