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'अन्वेषण' का शुद्ध संधि-विच्छेद है - अनु + एषण। शेष विकल्प असंगत हैं। अन्वेषण' में यण संधि है।
Toxicity of boron in plant causes:
The groundwater table is measured by:
Bent neck is an important physiological disorder of which of the following flower crop?
Calculate the cropping intensity of rice-wheat-ragi-fallow rotation if farm area is 2 ha.
Insect pests whose grubs bore into the grain to feed on them, heavy infestation of those pests results in powdery mass of grain while adult scrap surfac...
Photorespiration is high in ___
What is the role of carbonic acid in chemical weathering?
Among the following vegetable crops, which one is primarily affected by the shoot and fruit borers, jassids, spider mites, and leaf rollers?
Eugenol is the important chemical content of:
The first acceptor of CO₂ ____________ and first product of C₄ plant is__________