जिस संज्ञा शब्द से पदार्थों की अवस्था , गुण-दोष , भाव या दशा , धर्म आदि का बोध हो उसे भाववाचक संज्ञा कहते हैं । यथा- बुढ़ापा , मिठास , बचपन , मोटापा , चढ़ाई , थकावट इत्यादि। दिए गये विकल्पों में ' धूप में चला नहीं जाता ' वाक्य भाव को व्यक्त कर रहा है। इससे यह स्पष्ट हो रहा है कि किस प्रकार धूप के तेज़ से गर्मी बढ़ रही है जिससे कि चलने में तकलीफ़ होती है। अतः ' धूप में चला नहीं जाता ' सही विकल्प है।
Any straight-line supply curve that intersects the vertical axis above the origin has an elasticity of supply
Lorenz Curve is given by:
L(x) = 1/3 (X^3) + 2/3 (x^5). Calculate Gini Coefficient.
In a small open economy with a floating exchange rate, the supply of real money balances is fixed and a rise in government spending ______
What will happen when supply elasticity is less than demand elasticity?
Assume that there are equal numbers of male and female students in a university. Of all male students, 10 per cent major in economics; and of ...
If a country’s nominal GDP is constant, then which of the following statements about it would be correct?
Given that 3x-2y+297 = 0. SD(X) / SD(Y) = 4/3 Find r?
As the degree of product differentiation increases among the products sold in a monopolistically competitive industry, which of the following occurs?
Which of the following statements is correct regarding IMF?
Which of the following is an implication of the Solow Growth Model regarding long-term economic growth?