जिस संज्ञा शब्द से पदार्थों की अवस्था , गुण-दोष , भाव या दशा , धर्म आदि का बोध हो उसे भाववाचक संज्ञा कहते हैं । यथा- बुढ़ापा , मिठास , बचपन , मोटापा , चढ़ाई , थकावट इत्यादि। दिए गये विकल्पों में ' धूप में चला नहीं जाता ' वाक्य भाव को व्यक्त कर रहा है। इससे यह स्पष्ट हो रहा है कि किस प्रकार धूप के तेज़ से गर्मी बढ़ रही है जिससे कि चलने में तकलीफ़ होती है। अतः ' धूप में चला नहीं जाता ' सही विकल्प है।
If '@' means '÷', '#' means ' X ', '$' means '+' and '%' means '-' then what would be the value of the expression given below?
Expression: 25 # ...
If ‘-’ stands for ‘division’, ‘+’ for ‘multiplication’, ‘÷’ for ‘subtraction&rs...
If ‘+’ means ‘-’, ‘×’ means ‘+’, ‘-’ means ‘÷’ and ‘÷’ means ‘×’, then, what is the value of the following expressio...
Select the correct combination of mathematical signs that can sequentially replace the * signs and balance the given equation.
48 * 14 * 7 * 11 * 4 = 89
If '+' means 'division', ' X ' means 'addition', ' - ' means 'multiplication' and '÷' means 'subtraction', then what is the value of the following expr...
Select the correct combination of mathematical signs to sequentially replace the * signs and balance the given equation.
[(345 + 255) ÷ 30 X 12 ...
Select the correct combination of mathematical signs that can sequentially replace ‘*’ sign and balance the equation given below.
82 * 28 * 7...
Which one of the given mathematical operations will result in 429?
If 22 – 16 means 352, 450 + 50 means 9, 9 ÷ 3 means 12, 11 x 8 means 3, then ' 280 – 5 x 240 ÷ 450 + 9 x 26' = ?
If in a certain code language ‘+’ represents ‘×’, ‘–’ represents ‘+’, ‘×’ represents ‘÷’ and ‘÷’ represents ‘–’....