इसका कोई लिंग वचन नहीं होता है। निपात का अर्थ समूह को बल प्रदान करना होता है। यह कई प्रकार का होता है जैसे - जी , हाँ , काश , सा , ठीक , करीब
As per section 3 of the Competition Act no enterprise or association of enterprises or person or association of persons shall enter into any agreement ...
When a person through agreement, misrepresentation or negligence makes the other person believe in certain things upon which the other person had taken ...
As per the Transfer of Property Act where the terms of a transfer of property direct that the income arising from the property shall be accumulated eith...
The term “taking cognizance” under CrPC means?
The liability of legal representative in case of penalty payable under SEBI Act shall be
What is the maximum period under Section 110 of CrPC, for furnishing security prescribed for keeping good behaviour?
According to the Registration Act _______________has the power to declare what language shall be deemed to be commonly used in each district
Which of the following writs is issued by the court in case of illegal detention of a person?
Which kind of hurt is not a grievous hurt?
The term debt has been defined under IBC as _________________