Profit percentage received on a product when sold for Rs.450 is equal to the percentage loss incurred when the same product is sold for Rs.300. Find the...
P purchased a book from registered store and gets 14% discount while Q purchased the same book from a roadside stall and got 18% discount. If Q paid Rs....
A seller marked his article 60% above the cost price and sold it after offering two successive discounts of 50% and 20% respectively. In the whole trans...
Article ‘P’, if sold at a profit of 18% earns a profit of Rs. 360. If article ‘P’ is marked 30% above its cost price and then sold after offerin...
'A' sold an article whose cost price is Rs. 'V', at a profit of 10% to 'B'. 'B' marked the price of the article 10% above the price at which he bought i...
B purchased 15 kg apples at the rate of 180 per kg from a wholesaler who uses a weight of 900 grams for the kg weight. B sold all these apples at 180 pe...
'P' bought an item and marked it 60% higher than its cost price. He sold it to 'Q' after offering a discount of Rs. 120. 'Q' then...
A trader bought an article for Rs. 900 and marked it 20% above of its cost price. If he sold it after giving a discount of Rs. 45 then find the profit p...
The marked price of two items, 'S' and 'R,' is identical. Item 'S' is sold with a single discount of 18%, while item 'R' is sold with two successive dis...
A rice bag's selling price is 'x%' greater than its cost price and 'x%' less than its marked price. The gain proportion from selling the item would incr...