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ब्रह्मा -विधि, विधाता, स्वयंभू, प्रजापति, आत्मभू, लोकेश, पितामह, चतुरानन, विरंचि, अज, कर्तार, कमलासन, नाभिजन्म, हिरण्यगर्भ,निर्माता,धाता, प्रजाधिप।
कमलाकांत विष्णु का पर्यायवाची है।
For six molecules of CO₂ to be fixed how many molecules of ATP are required in C₄ Cycle?
Maize is generally not grown in
Which one the following farming system receives average annual rainfall > 1150 mm?
Lint index is calculated by using how many seeds of cotton?
Fig is botanically ____ type of fruit
India is largest producer and consumer of which agriculture commodity?
Apothecium contains
Different forms of a gene are called .........................?
The most critical growth stage for moisture stress in lentil
Site for protein synthesis is _______