हुताशन: वैश्वानर, शुचि, ज्वाला, आग, अग्नि, अनल, पावक, दहन, ज्वलन, धूमकेतु, कृशानु
Pawan is 8 years younger than 'Qureshi' and 8 years older than 'Raju'. The current age ratio of 'Qureshi' to 'Raju' is 3:2. What ...
The ratio of A and B present age is 3:2. The product of their ages is 2400. What will be the ratio of their ages after 5 years?
A is 4 years older than B while C is 6 years younger than B. The ratio of age of A, 5 years hence and age of B, 3 years ago is 3:2. What was age of C, 6...
B is 5 years older than A and A is 8 years older than C. If the sum of the age of A and C is 24 years, then find the sum of the ages of all three.
The ratio of the husband’s age three years from now to the wife’s age two years ago is 9:7. Additionally, the ratio of the husband’s age one year ...
10 years ago, the ratio of the ages of Maya and Neil was 4:3. The present age of Jake is 10 years more than one-fourth of Neil’s present age. Find the...
Four years ago, the combined ages of Linda and Joan was 56 years. Four years hence, the ratio of their ages will be 4:5. Find the current age of Linda.
Sushil’s present age is 1/2 times of her father’s age. After 13 years, father’s age will be 3 times the age of Sonu. If 3 years ago So...
The sum of the present ages of Tina and her father is 50 years. Tina's father is 4 years older than her mother, and two years ago, Tina's mother's age w...
The current ages of Ashwin and Bhavin are in a 5:4 ratio. Ashwin's current age is 25% greater than Bhavin's. If the current average age of Ashwin, Bhavi...