सूर्य के पर्यायवाची शब्द - दिनकर , दिवाकर , भानु , भास्कर , आक , आदित्य , दिनेश , मित्र , मार्तण्ड , मन्दार , पतंग , विहंगम , रवि , प्रभाकर , अरुण , अंशुमाली और सूरज भगत।
प्रकाश का पर्यायवाची – प्रदीप , चमक , ज्योति , उजियाला , पदीप्ती , रोशनी , कान्ति , आलोक , उजाला , दीप्ति , छवि , सुषमा , आभा , प्रभा , छटा , द्युति।
तेज़ – द्रुतगामी , फुरतीला , तीव्रगामी , कीमती , प्रचंड , तीता , मसालेदार , चमकीला , महँगा , वेगवान , प्रखर , चंचल , झालदार , उग्र , चपल , द्रुत , ...
If there are a total of 1000 students in the school, how many students prefer Mathematics and science?
If x – 1/x = 9, then x3 – 1/x3 is:
In a best-of-two chess match between Player X and Player Y, the probability that Player X wins a game is (5/9), and the probability that Player Y loses ...
125 sweets were distributed equally among children in such a way that the number of sweets received by each child is 20% of the total number of children...
Find the value of ‘x’ in the given expression:
(49/16)x× (64/343)x-1 = 4/7
Find the values of x and y if 0.1x + 0.05y = 20 and 0.3(x+2) +0.6y = 66.
If a = 701, b= 703 and c= 706, then find the value of a³ + b³ +c³ –3abc?
If y + 1/y = 2 then find y117 + 1/(y117)
If a +`1/b` = 1 and b +`1/c` =1 , then the value of c +`1/a` is