'किसी के पीछे-पीछे चलनेवाला'- वाक्यांश के लिए एक शब्द 'अनुगामी' होता है। अनुचर :पीछे चलनेवाला, अनुयायी। अनुगमनीय :पीछे चलना।
Propodeum is found in the insect belonging to the sub-order:
Which of the following are the characteristic features of an Insect?
Which of the following statements is true for Entomophagy?
Which of the following is true about the immature scale insects?
The total number of abdominal legs in the larval stage of the mustard sawfly is ____.
The silk fibres are held together in cocoon by a substance known as
The introduction technique involves the release of bioinsecticides during the season when pests are to be controlled, aligning with the stage of develop...
Order in which mosquito are present is
What is the term used to describe the level of population density at which control measures should be implemented to prevent a rising pest population fr...
Apis mellifera is also known as