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गणाधिप गणेश का पर्यायवाची हैं
what is the term used for the process of conversion of carbohydrates into lactate by the series of catalyst on breaking down of sugar into simpler compo...
Which one of the following acid is present in rancid butter
ldquo;Trans-Fat Free India@75rdquo; is awareness campaign related to
Who is responsible for conducting a survey of the state's food manufacturing and processing facilities?
Which one of the following is synthetic flavour
Eugenol is important ingredient of oil of
Which one of the following is not the activity of BIS
Type of clouds which are flat based, with pronounced vertical thickness and extends upwards as dome or cauliflower shaped?
among the following which one is under the category of Spices
At least _____ of the establishments in Clean Street Food Hub should sell regional cuisine.