दिए गए विकल्पों में से ग्रह केतु' का पर्याय नहीं है शेष सभी विकल्प केतु के ही पर्याय हैं
Expand the abbreviation 'ICMR.'
Who was the first female judge appointed to the Supreme Court of India.
Greenland island belongs to ?
SEBI has different circuit breakers for indices and for stocks
Which one of the following is not correctly matched?
Which countries share an international boundary with Assam?
Plug and Muzzle are the terms associated with which sport?
चि Ÿाौडगढ़ की किस रानी ने बादषाह हुमायूँ से मदद माँगी थी -
Where is the Brihadeeswarar Temple located?
The research center of INDIA “HIMADRI” is located at?