ओझा तद्भव शब्द है उसका तत्सम शब्द होगा उपाध्याय उलूक, कूप और पुस्तक तीनो तत्सम शब्द हैं
The optimum age of seedling for transplanting long duration rice varieties is
Vegetables play a very important role in Human nutrition. Vegetables are mostly of which nature?
Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the given word.
During manure preparation, FYM should be enriched by addition of which fertilizer?
Which of the following is not a C 4 plant?
The Word Count" in Google docs does not have one of the following options. Which one is it?
The most popular grape variety in India is
Market in which currencies buy and sell and their prices settle on is called the
What does LP stand for in the context of milk preservation?
The available soil moisture lies between the field capacity and ______