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ओझा तद्भव शब्द है उसका तत्सम शब्द होगा उपाध्याय उलूक, कूप और पुस्तक तीनो तत्सम शब्द हैं
How is ‘feedback’ written in a code language?
I. In a certain code language ‘corporate office branch centre’ is written as ‘ki pa mt ...
Five boxes B, C, D, E, F are placed in a row from west to east direction according to their weight in an increasing order. And also each of them is of ...
Who among P, Q, R, S and T is the shortest but one?
I. Q is taller than S and T.
II. R is shorter than T and P.
Six persons D, E, F, G, H, and I have different heights. Who is the tallest person?
Statement I: F is shorter than D. G is taller than I but sh...
B is in which direction with respect to E?
I. D is 2m to the north of E. F is 1 m to the east of D. B is 2m to the south of F.
II. E is to...
How is B related to C?
I. T is one of the brothers of B. M is the only sister of B.
II. C is sister of N, who is mother of T.
How far is point Q from point Y?
I. Q is 5 m north of B. C is 7 m east of Q. Y is west of Q such that C, Q and Y form a straight line of 10 m.<...
A is in which direction with respect to B?
I. A and B start walking from the same point in opposite directions and after walking 5 kms each, both...
How is E related to D?
I. D is the son of A’s wife who is the daughter of E’s wife.
II. E’s wife is mother-in-law of D&r...
Given below is a question followed by two statements numbered I and II, each containing some information. Decide which of the statement(s) is/are suffic...