The correct answer is B
The edited image/ shows Trump's head/ superimposed into a/ picture of Superman.
Directions: In each of the questions, a sentence has been divided into four parts, one of which may contain an error. Identify that fragment and mark ...
Wealthier countries in Europe/ need to do far more when /it comes to stumping up/ proper resources for overseas conservation.
It farther stipulates that retail sales outlets be set up only in cities with a population of more than 10 lakh.
He had lived (A)/in Palmyra (B)/a few years previous (C)/to me going there (D)/from Rochester (E).
There was renewed sense (A) / of supremacy in (B) / completing the project. (C) / No error (D)
(A) This kind of hunger is / (B) common and generally is / (C) what has trigger food riots, / (D) now and in the past.
The quality of goods are very good but the shopkeepers have not been able to deal with the falling demand and rising cost of production of the commodi...
The CTC vaccine greatly helped in increasing vaccination coverage in a few areas where excess was a problem and electricity was unreliable.
The best thing about being an artist is being one’s own boss and see people connect with your work emotionally.