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Rohan's present age is 3/7 times the age of his mother. After four years, he will be one- half of the age of his mother. How old is his mother at present?
Seema’s present age is 1(1/2) times of her marriage. She married 12 years ago. Now she has a daughter whose age is 2 more than one third of her ag...
The combined current ages of Rajesh and Ramesh total 77 years. One year ago, the ratio of their ages was 7:8, with Rajesh being 7 parts and Ramesh bein...
The ages of A, B and C together are 60 years. B is thrice as old as A and C is 5 years older than A. What is the difference between ages of B and C?
Present ages of 'A' and 'B' are in the ratio 3:5, respectively. If B's age, 8 years hence from now will be 3 times of A's age, 2 years ago from now, the...
‘A’ is 8 years younger than ‘B’ and 7 years elder than ‘C’. If the present age of ‘B’ and ‘D’ is 40 years and 30 years, respectively...
The ratio of the present age of mother and son is 11:5. 5-years ago the father's age was 5 years less than thrice the age of son and 6 years hence the a...
Eight years ago, the ratio of Raman's age to Chaman's age was 4:5. Twelve years from now, this ratio will change to 13:15. Calculate the current average...
A and B are two friends. 9 years hence, age of A will become 2.5 times the present age of B, and the age of B will become 30% less than the present age ...
Shivani is 6 years younger than Deepika and Deepika is 6 years younger than Mohani. After 6 years the ratio of Shivani’s age and Mohani’s age will b...