'ज्ञानोदय' शब्द का निर्माण 'ज्ञान + उदय' (अ + उ = ओ) से हुआ है। यह गुण संधि का उदाहरण है। गुण संधि में जब 'अ', 'आ', या 'ए' की किसी स्वर से युति होती है, तो उनके स्थान पर 'ए' या 'ओ' आ जाता है।
Select the word-pair that best represents a similar relationship the one expressed in the pair of words given below.
(The words must be considere...
Five colleagues, Chand, Chandini, Nidhi, Vikram and Ajay, are sitting in a row facing north. Nidhi and Chandini occupy the extreme ends of the row. Vikr...
How many meaningful four-letter English words can be formed using the second, third, fifth and seventh letters of the word TOURIST (when counted from le...
Study the following arrangement of two digit numbers and symbols to answer the question given below
37 43 87 & 32 54 @ % 89 65 44 ...
Refer to the given letter, number, symbol series and answer the question that follows.
(Left) K L% Y & 4 E 2 * 3 M & 7 S W # 8 2 H * L (Right)
LCNT is related to NEPV in a certain way based on the English alphabetical order. In the same way, HBER is related to JDGT. To which of the following is...
Select the option that will fill in the blank and complete the given series correctly.
100, 105, 111, 118, 126, 135, ______
From the given answer figures, select the one in which the question figure is hidden/embedded.
Artist : Painting :: Cobbler : ?
Three different positions of the same dice are shown. Find the number on the face opposite the face showing '1'.