'असुर' का समानार्थी 'राक्षस' है, जो एक पौराणिक नकारात्मक शक्ति का प्रतिनिधित्व करता है। 'असुर' और 'राक्षस' दोनों नकारात्मक चरित्र के द्योतक हैं। इनका प्रयोग धार्मिक और पौराणिक संदर्भ में होता है।
Statements: M ≤ N > O; P > M; Q < R < P
I. M < P
II. O < P
Statements: T = S, U ≤ V, P < K, U ≤ K, V > S
I. S ≥ U
II. S < U
In this question, the relation between various elements is shown in the statement. After the statement, two conclusions are given, select a suitable opt...
Statements: S * C, C $ T, T # U, U % V
Conclusions :
I.V # T
II. C % U
III. S # U
IV. C % V...
Each of the vowel in the word REQUIRE is changed to the next letter in the English alphabetical series and each consonant is changed to the previous l...
If the expression E < B > D = G ≥ H is definitely true, which of the following would be definitely true?
Statements: T ≥ A = C; D > E > B ≥ A; F = G < E
I. T > E
II. B < F
III. D < C
Statement: U < V < W ≥ X; U ≥ Y > Z
Conclusion: I. W > Z II. W = Z
In the question, assuming the given statements to be true, find which of the conclusion (s) among given two conclusions is /are definitely true and the...
Statements: M = N ≤ P = C > G, D ≥ M > T = F
I. D ≥ N
II. N > F
III. F < P