'भारतीय' का अर्थ 'भारत से संबंधित' होता है, जो 'सरस्वती' का पर्यायवाची नहीं है। 'वीणापाणि', 'महाश्वेता', और 'पञ्चा' देवी सरस्वती के पर्यायवाची हैं।
What are the acts against which there is no right of private defence?
As per the Judgment in case of Keshavananda Bharti clause (4) of Art. 13 of the constitution in relation to Art. 368 has been______
No company other than a banking company shall use as part of its name or, in connection with its business nor shall any company carry on the business of...
Meaning of Res judicata is:
Which of the following is true regarding the registration of establishments under the Occupational Safety, Health and Working Conditions Code, 2020?
According to Securities Contracts (Regulation) (Stock Exchanges and Clearing Corporations) Regulations the Board may, on being satisfied with the ca...
The thief in order to steal something, creeps after sunset into a ship at a port- hole between decks and then leaves before sunrise.He has committed
When a suit for compensation has to be filed by A for wrong done to his movable property by B in Calcutta, A and B both reside in Delhi. Where can the p...
Who appoints the Prime Minister of India?
Where the court refers the parties to the suit to the mode of settlement of dispute referred to section 89 of C.P.C. plaintiff shall be entitled to ref...