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जब अ अथवा आ के आगे ‘इ’ अथवा ‘ई’ आता है तो इनके स्थान पर ए हो जाता है। इसी प्रकार अ या आ के आगे उ या ऊ आता है तो ओ हो जाता है तथा अ या आ के आगे ऋ आने पर अर् हो जाता है। दूसरे शब्दों में, हम इस प्रकार कह सकते हैं कि जब अ, आ के आगे इ, ई या ‘उ’, ‘ऊ’ तथा ‘ऋ’ हो तो क्रमश: ए, ओ और अर् हो जाता है, इसे गुण सन्धि कहते हैं।
For the demand function Q=a-P and the Marginal cost = c. Arrange the quantity produced by the following models in ascending order I) Bertnard II) Monopo...
For an economy, the required per capita growth rate is 7% , the population growth rate is 3% . Calculate the saving rate for a capital output ratio of ...
In the regression specification y = α + βx + ε
Calculate the standard error of the estimate of Y on X regression equation for the following data- N =50 , ∑y2 = 300 , ∑xy = 30, ∑x
A dice was rolled 3 times. What is the probability of getting 5 at least once?
If input prices adjusted very rapidly to output prices as classical economists argue the Phillips cure would be
Which of the following statements is NOT correct in the context of quantity theory of money?
An oil exploration company intends to drill an exploratory well in each of two geologically unrelated regions A and B. If the probability of f...