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The correct answer is D
Which of the following primary tillage operation is used to invert the soil partially or completely?
The silk fibres are held together in cocoon by a substance known as……………………
When the contact of soil moisture still decreased below the wilting point in way that the water is held very tightly & may be state of vapour around soi...
It is the tendency of some crops to absorb and accumulate nutrients far in excess of their actual needs if it is present in sufficiently large quantitie...
……………………………. is the prominent member of 1:1 type group in which one tetrahedral and one octahedral layer is present.
...The study of soil from the stand point of higher plants is known as……………………….
Soil is a natural body composed of mineral and organic costituents, having definite genesis and a distinct nature of its own. Who amongst the following ...
……………………………is a key factor for successful crop production and it is a measure of capacity of soil to supply plant nutrients.
...What term is used to describe the process when the parent material is moved or transported primarily by the force of gravity?
…………………………means the crop producing capacity of a soil which is measured in terms of yield (bio-mass).