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The correct answer is B
Who live in the flat 1 of floor 2?
Seven persons (D, E, F, G, H, I, and J) have different number of chocolates. Only G has more chocolates than H. I has more chocolates than J and D. D ha...
In a group of 5 friends, Mohit eats more than Romil and Sumit. Romil eats more than Irshaad but not more than Akshay. Sumit eats more than Akshay. Who e...
Who among the following live immediately above R?
In a row of some students Rahim is 15th from one end and 47th from the other end. What is the total number of students in the group?
Seven athletes S, T, U, V, W, X and Y participate in a race. W is ahead of S but behind X. V is ahead of only two athlete. Y is running last. U is runni...
Seven persons J, K, L, M, N, O, and P have different heights. H is taller than M. K is taller than J, who is just shorter than M. O is shorter than P. O...
Naveen is ranked 26th from the top in his class. When counted from the bottom, he is ranked 44th. What is the total number of stud...
R, S, T, U, V and W have different heights. R is taller than V, Only U and W are shorter than V. More than one person is taller than R. S is not shorte...
Five persons T, U, V, W and X have different weights. U is the lightest person. V is heavier than W but lighter than X. T is lighter than W. Who among t...