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The correct answer is C
If the mean and variance of a binomial distribution are 5 and 4, respectively, then the value of n is:
If each observation is halved then the coefficient of quartile deviation
Which one is not basis of classification of data.
For the ANOVA which option is wro1ng?
Let x and y be two variables with variance as 1990 and 796 with 11 and 9 number of observations respectively. The value of F(10, 8) at 5% level of sign...
Which of the following is NOT an approach for assigning the probability of the event?
For a distribution, the mean is 10, variance is 16, Y1 is +1 and β2 is 4. The distribution is:
Which of the following correctly completes the given statement?
Index number helps in:
(I) determining the cost of living
(II) ...
The arithmetic mean of the following frequency distribution of number of members in family in the society
X: ...
Fundamental principles of design of experiment are
(I) Randomization
(II) Replication
(III) Local control
Which option is correct?