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'आभ्यंतर' का अर्थ है 'अंदर' या 'आंतरिक'। इसका विलोम 'बाह्य' है, जिसका अर्थ है 'बाहर' या 'बाहरी'। उदाहरण: 'आभ्यंतर' और 'बाह्य' का उपयोग अंदर और बाहर के संदर्भ में किया जाता है।
In a code language, 'CAKE' is coded as 64, and 'WAFER' is coded as 125. How will 'BISCUIT' be coded in the same language?
If ‘+’ means ‘–’, ‘–’ means ‘×’, ‘×’ means ‘÷’, ‘÷’ means ‘+’, then what will come in place of the question mark...
Select the option in which the given figure is embedded (rotation is not allowed).
In this question, the statement is followed by two conclusions. Which of the two conclusion(s) is/are true?
Statement: A = B ≥ C ≤ D > G < E ...
Which of the following numbers will replace the question mark (?) in the given series?
4, 11, 19, 31, 52, 89, ?
Select the alphanumeric-cluster from among the given options that can replace the question mark (?) in the following series.
FY-7, IC-7, LG-9, OK...
In a certain code language,
'Space Thee Bliss' is written as 'is jk th',
'Bliss Youth Last' is written as 'th cu wn',
'River Last G...
Which letter-cluster from the options will replace the question mark (?) to complete the given series?
Select the correct option which will complete the format of the given image.
Select the number from among the given options that can replace the question mark (?) in the following series.
17, 25, 34, 44, 55, ?