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(A) जानने की इच्छाः इसका एक शब्द है जिज्ञासा (IV)। (B) जिसकी उपमा न होः इसका एक शब्द है अनुपम (I), जिसका अर्थ होता है 'अद्वितीय' या 'जिसकी कोई समानता नहीं है'। (C) जो बहुत जानता है: इसका एक शब्द है बहुश (II), जो बहुत ज्ञान रखने वाले को व्यक्त करता है। (D) जल में जन्म लेने वालाः इसका एक शब्द है जलज (III), जो जल में उत्पन्न होने वाली चीज़ को दर्शाता है। इस प्रकार, सही मेल है: (A)- (IV), (B)-(I), (C)-(II), (D)-(III)
Choose the correct order.
1. Kevin was eagerly waiting for his holidays.
P. His mother kept on hinting there would be a big surprise ...
Rearrange the parts of the sentence in correct order.
P. versions of the European poor laws, charitable and
Q. in former coloni...
Choose the correct order.
1. It is not a large world.
P. Relatively even to this world of ours, which has its limits too.
Q. An...
Given below are four jumbled parts of a sentence. Select the option that gives their correct order.
A. the minimum temperature
B. for the ...
Which of the following would be the THIRD statement after rearrangement?
Choose the appropriate option to arrange the sentences in the correct order to form a meaningful paragraph.
S1- Abdul was a lover of his country....
1. Contingent risks have become
P. have now increased
Q. to increase fee based
R. More important as banks
S. off balance she...
1. I am well aware
P. the controlling motive in the
Q. of the fact that the mere
R. except in very rare cases,
S. accumulati...
Sentences of a paragraph are given below. While the first and the last sentences (S1 and S6) are in the correct order, the sentences in between are jumb...
Which is the FOURTH sentence of the paragraph?