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हिंदी टंकण करने वाले कर्मचारी एवं आशुलिपिक की भर्ती के प्रयोजन के लिए राजभाषा विभाग द्वारा जारी वर्ष 2022 - 23 के वार्षिक कार्यक्रम में क्षेत्र क , ख और ग’ के लिए क्रमशः 80%, 70%, 40%
Six persons, T, U, V, W, X and Y, sit in a row and face in north direction. Y sits third to the left of X. Only one person sits between V and X. W sits ...
In which of the following statement, the first and second persons are sitting opposite to each other in the final arrangement?
<...Who lives on the floor immediately above Kabir?
Who among the following is third to the left of fifth from the right of Swati?
Four of the following were in a certain group, which of the following that does not belong to that group?
Who sits to the immediate right of F?
Who lives in room number 7?
How many persons are there between D and E?
Six girls, P, Q, R, S, T and V, are sitting around a circular table. All of them are facing towards the centre of the table (but not necessarily in the ...
Which of the following replaces blank ___(2)___?