जब संविधान 1950 में लागू किया गया था, तब उसकी 8 अनुसूची में 14 भाषाएं थीं। अब संविधान की आठवीं अनुसूची में 22 भाषाएं शामिल हैं। 21वें संशोधन अधिनियम 1967 द्वारा सिंधी को तथा 71वें संशोधन अधिनियम 1992 द्वारा कोंकणी, मणिपुरी तथा नेपाली को संविधान की 8वीं अनुसूची में जोड़ा गया। 92वें संविधान संशोधन अधिनियम 2004 द्वारा पुनः बोडो, डोंगरी, संथाली और मैथिली भाषाओं को 8वीं अनुसूची में जोड़ा गया है।
Fill in the blank given below using the correct idiom.
The actor's sudden outburst during the interview was _______________ and left the audi...
The given idiom is followed by four meanings. Choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the given idiom.
Cock and Bull story
After several months of hard work, the team finally brought home the bacon by completing the project ahead of schedule.
Directions : An idiom/phrase is given in bold. Following this idiom/phrase are given three sentences, which use the given idiom/phrase. The idiom/phra...
Her son took her to Amsterdam and fulfilled her wish, before she ________________.
Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
Give one the slip
Contain commonly used idioms and phrases in the English language. In each case, choose the option representing the correct meaning of each of ...
Fill in the blank with an appropriate idiom.
The teacher was so impressed with the student's presentation that she gave him a __________.
Between A Rock And A Hard Place
Good Samaritan