भारतेंदु हरिश्चंद्र ने कवि वचन सुधा अखबार प्रकाशित किया।
Which two cities in Uttar Pradesh are developing Integrated Manufacturing Clusters under NICDC?
How much did Union Bank of India commit to measure in terms of financed emissions through its signing of the PCAF in 2024?
Which of the following Indian literary works was not included in UNESCO’s Memory of the World Register?
Which country topped the Business Environment Rankings (BER) 2024?
Consider the following statements regarding Delimitation Commission:
1.Delimitation Commissions have been set up three times — 1952, 1962 and 1...
With reference to ‘Leptospirosis’, consider the following statements:
1.Leptospirosis is a contagious disease in animals but is occasionally ...
Which organization recently introduced the ‘New World Soil Health Index’ to standardize soil quality assessment globally?
Which of the following statements is/are correct?
I.IIT Delhi is opening its first IIT campus in Zazibar (Tanzania).
II.IIT Madras is open...
Identify the location where the first phase of India's inaugural multinational air exercise, 'Tarang Shakti 2024', took place.
Who has become the first Indian female athlete to win a gold medal in javelin throw in the history of Asian Games?