The correct answer is C
Select the alternative that will improve the bold part of the sentence in case there is no improvement select “No improvement”.
If I had b...
Direction: In the sentence given below, a part is highlighted and suggestions for its correction are given below the sentence. Choose the correct opti...
Due to threats from terrorist leaders, any Kashmiri families sent one of their sons to be trained in Pakistan and then to be developed in Kashmir. ...
Select the alternative that will improve the bold part of the sentence in case there is no improvement select “No improvement”.
Many peopl...
The company intending in grab as large a slice of the Chinese market as possible.
The state reeling for an agrarian crisis following famers’ agitation has approved a subsidy on electricity tariff to farmers.
I. Aimed at benefiting more than 40 lakh beneficiaries with real-time information from the convenience of their homes, the Health Ministry have revampe...
When you are in the water, you have to focusing on rhythmic movements and on your breathing that makes you tune out the rest of the world
The meeting has been postponed and will be rescheduled at a later date.
As for civil aviation, work on the airport is to be start by the Airport Authority of India and the total investment on the project will be Rs. 2,100 ...