About the SSC MTS Exam!


The Staff Selection Commission is the government body responsible for the recruitment of candidates to various departments and ministerial offices under the Central Government for various Group B, Group C and Group D level positions.

SSC is responsible for carrying out, in accordance with the requirements of government organizations, different technical and non-technical competitive examinations for various positions and services under its control.

SSC MTS stands for Staff Selection Commission exam for Multi-Tasking Staff. SSC MTS is an examination conducted by the Staff Selection Commission. The SSC recruits for multitasking staff posts in various departments and offices under the Central Government of India. 

Like various other SSC examinations carried out to recruit candidates for different positions, such as CGL, CHSL, CPO, JE and GD, SSC MTS is conducted to recruit candidates into non-technical posts as multi-tasking staff.

10th Passed candidates can apply for SSC MTS 2021 on or before 21 March 2021 on SSC website i.e ssc.nic.in. The last date for submitting SSC MTS Online Fee is 23 March 2021 and for offline application through challan is 29 March 2021. Candidates who will complete their SSC MTS Application, successfully, will be called to appear for SSC MTS Exam 2021 which is scheduled from 01 July to 20 July 2021.


Regional Offices of the Commission will advertise recruitment to Group “C” posts of Multi Tasking Staff (MTS) (NT) in different States /UTs. The different posts for which the Staff Selection Commission recruits candidates through MTS examination are as mentioned below:

  • Peon
  • Gardner
  • Daftary
  • Jamadar
  • Junior Gestetner Operator
  • Chowkidar
  • Safaiwala, and more

SSC MTS Exam Process

All eligible applicants (10th Passed candidates can apply for SSC MTS 2021) will be invited to take the exam. The exam  will be divided into two papers. Paper 1 will be a computer based examination and Paper 2 will be a descriptive paper.

Paper 1 exam comprises four sections having 100 questions (25 questions in each section) which will account for a total of 100 marks (maximum 25 marks in each section). The time duration of the Paper-1 exam will be 1 Hour 30 Minutes.

Dates of SSC MTS Computer Based Exam (Paper-I)Parts – Subjects (Not in Sequence)Number of Questions/ Maximum MarksTime Duration (For all four Parts)
1st to 20th July 2021Part I – General English25/251 hour 30 Minutes (2 Hours for candidates eligible for scribes)
 Part II – General Intelligence & Reasoning25/25
 Part III – Numerical Aptitude25/25
 Part IV – General Awareness25/25

Paper-I will consist of Objective Type, questions of multiple choice only. The questions will be set out for Part-II, III & IV in both English & Hindi.

For each incorrect answer there will be a negative mark of 0.25.

Marks scored in Paper-I by candidates will be normalized and these scores will be used to determine final merit and cut-off marks.

In Paper-I, there will be separate category-wise, state/UT-wise cut-offs. Since MTS vacancies are in two age groups, i.e., (i) 18 to 25 years of age and (ii) 18 to 27 years of age, the Commission may set separate age group-wise, category-wise and state/UT cut-offs in Paper I.

Paper II

Paper-II will be set in Hindi, English and in other languages mentioned in the VIII Schedule of the Constitution as given in Annexure-XIV, to test basic language skills commensurate with the educational qualification prescribed for the post. It will be required for candidates to write one short essay/letter. 

Dates of SSC MTS 2021 Descriptive Paper-IIMax MarksExam Duration
21st November 20215030 minutes (40 minutes for the candidates eligible for scribes)

Paper-II will be qualifying in nature. Qualifying marks in Paper-II will be 40% for unreserved category and 35% for all reserved category candidates. However, marks scored by the candidates in Paper-II will be used to decide merit in case more than one candidate scores equal normalized marks in Paper-I.

Points to remember while preparing

  • Give important subjects more priority.
  • Read the Exam News & Articles Related.
  • For your exam preparation create a regular time table / schedule.
  • Make the study notes during the examination preparation.
  • Review all the important subjects several times.
  • Give regular-based online mock tests.

Stay focused on the ultimate goal you have. You’re born in order to succeed. No examination is hard until you have decided to crack the said complete dedication & hard work. Stay focused on your planning and preparation. Make a full-hearted attempt to crack the SSC MTS Exam. 

Based on the latest exam pattern ixamBee has prepared SSC MTS free mock tests. SSC MTS Test Series 2021 includes a range of questions that correspond to questions from previous year’s papers and questions that also cover the new examination pattern.

Our experts through in-depth analysis have designed the Free SSC MTS Online Mock Test & is available in both English and Hindi languages. Free SSC MTS Mock Tests will assist you in your preparations and in monitoring the accuracy of preparation for your actual exam. SSC MTS Mock Test 2021 will help you differentiate your strong and weak areas and will help you perform in a better way.

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