Daily The Hindu Editorial Vocab: February 06, 2020


Vocabulary plays a vital role in the world of competitive exams. Therefore, it is essential to be well versed in the vocabulary section. To increase the grip in the English section, one can refer to the Hindu editorial part which will surely help in the Reading comprehension part as well as in improving the vocab. This will help in the Upcoming exams like RBI Assistant, SBI Clerk, and NABARD Grade A. Following are the important words of the editorials published on The Hindu on February 06, 2020:

Fashioning the framework of a New India by Indira Hirway

Morbidity [Noun]: an unhealthy state of mind, the condition of being diseased.

Crony [Noun]: who is like a companion, close friend, buddy,

Percolate [Verb]: Spread gradually, penetrate.

Course correction for the Speaker’s office by Anmolam & Farheen Ahmad

Pernicious [Adjective]: very harmful, deadly, and baneful.

Abjure [Verb]: formally reject, recant, and retract.

Cogent [Adjective]: Powerfully persuasive, clear, logical and convincing.

Consensus [Noun]: a general agreement

Partisan [Noun]: a strong supporter of a person, party or a cause.

Polarised state of union

Contentious [Adjective]: controversial, likely to cause an argument

Acquittal [Noun]: a judgement that shows that a person is not guilty of the crime for which he/she has been charged.

Snub [Noun]: ignoring or rebuffing someone or something.

Caucuses [Noun]: a conference or meeting of members belonging to a particular party.

Also Read:

Daily Hindu vocab( February 05, 2020)

Daily Hindu Vocab( February 04, 2020)

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