English Quiz (New Pattern) for RBI Assistant and SBI Clerk


In recent years, government bank exams such as the RBI Assistant and SBI Clerk have been shifting towards a new pattern in the English Language section. Candidates appearing for these exams need to be well-prepared for this new pattern, which emphasizes on concepts rather than mere grammar rules.

English is one of the sections that is asked in banking exams (Prelims and Mains). With increasing competition, the level of the questions asked in the exams is also soaring high. Given below are the questions based on the new pattern for English section, these will surely help candidates in boosting their score.

In this blog, we will discuss the new pattern of English quizzes for the RBI Assistant exam and SBI Clerk exam, along with a step-by-step guide on how to tackle them effectively.

English Quiz (New Pattern) for RBI Assistant & SBI Clerk 2022

Directions (1-10): In the questions below a statement is given with two blanks in it. For each blank three alternatives are provided in the columns. Choose the alternative from the corresponding column that would fit the give blanks to make the given sentence grammatically correct and contextually meaningful.

1.  Dozens of angry Iraqi Shiite militia supporters broke into the U.S. Embassy compound in Baghdad on Tuesday after __________I___________  the main door and setting fire to a reception area, __________II___________  tear gas and sounds of gunfire.

(A) assessment (D) evacuated
(B) smashing (E) retaliation
(C) urged (F) prompting

1) A-D

2) C-E

3) C-D

4) B-F

5) B-D

2. China apart, all major countries have at least __________I__________ considered the step of converting the state into two Union territories and how this was done within the domestic ___________II__________ of India.

(A) implicitly (D) haunting
(B) protesting (E) sphere
(C) deployed (F) firmament

1) A-E

2) C-F

3) B-E

4) A-D

5) C-D

3. Poor economic policy making coupled with __________I________ decision making at the level of the executive has often been identified as a _________II________ on India’s economic performance.

(A) turmoil (D) muster
(B) arbitrary (E) drag
(C) explicit (F) rhetoric

1) A-D

2) C-E

3) A-F

4) B-E

5) B-D

4. While Tata Sons has some ___________I__________ because it has been given four weeks to appeal to the Supreme Court, the decision is a big _________II________ when the group is in the midst of massive restructuring.

(A) leeway (D) enticing
(B) forge (E) inspecting
(C) triturate (F) distraction

1) C-E

2) B-D

3) A-E

4) C-F

5) A-F

5. After six consecutive quarters of a slowdown in economic growth, it is time to replace an ad hoc policy ____________I__________ with one where clarity on how to enhance ___________II_________ is evident.

(A) inscrutable (D) competitiveness
(B) perplexity (E) contentious
(C) regime (F) salvage

1) C-E

2) A-F

3) B-E

4) C-D

5) B-F

6.  Tech giants like Amazon, Apple and Alphabet’s Google might be _________I_________ in cash from their _____________II___________ businesses, but they aren’t always successful in everything they try to do.

(A) raking in (D) forging
(B) raking up  (E) core
(C) raking out (F) shuttered

1) B-F

2) C-D

3) A-E

4) A-D

5) C-E

7. There have been several instances in the past few days where trains were ___________I__________ and tracks blocked, thus __________II__________ the train services by angry demonstrators.

(A) vitreous (D) exhilarating
(B) vandalized (E) quashed
(C) fragile (F) disrupting

1) A-D

2) B-F

3) C-E

4) B-E

5) A-F

8. President Donald Trump on Saturday __________I_________ the House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi for ___________II________ on sending the articles of impeachment against him to the Senate.

(A) criticised (D) holding with
(B) vile (E) holding off
(C) wretched (F) holding to

1) C-D

2) A-F

3) B-D

4) C-F

5) A-E

9. While Libra’s launch has been met with political _________I_________ in the Europe, in the US Senate, lawmakers have ___________II________ a hearing next month to question Facebook over Libra.

(A) scepticism (D) scheduled
(B) nasty (E) stumped
(C) odious (F) pulverized

1) B-F

2) A-D

3) B-F

4) A-E

5) C-E

10. While farmers __________I_________ massive losses, the news did not trigger much ___________II__________ among the middle class.

(A) orchestrating  (D) stemming
(B) incurred (E) outrage
(C) assail (F) profanation

1) A-E

2) C-D

3) B-E

4) A-F

5) B-D



Assessment- evaluation

Smashing- breaking into pieces


Evacuated- clear an area


Prompting- to move or induce to action

The correct word that can fill first blank meaningfully and contextually is definitely B. The alternatives that come with B are F & D among which F fills the second blank correctly.  Hence, option 4 can fill the blanks both grammatically and contextually correct making option 4 the correct answer.

Ans 2:-1


Protesting- to give manifest expression to objection or disapproval

Deployed- redistribute, station troops or weapons

Haunted- preoccupied, as with an emotion, memory, or idea; obsessed

Sphere-domain of influence

Firmament-the vault of heaven 

The correct word that can fill first blank meaningfully and contextually is  A. The alternatives that come with A are E & D among which E fills the second blank correctly.  Hence, option 1 can fill the blanks both grammatically and contextually correct making option 1 the correct answer.

Ans 3 :-4

Turmoil- a state of great commotion

Arbitrary- subject to individual will or judgment without restriction; contingent solely upon one’s discretion

Explicit- specific or accurate


Drag- something that retards progress.

Rhetoric- the undue use of exaggeration or display.

The correct word that can fill first blank meaningfully and contextually is B. The alternatives that come with B are E & D among which E fills the second blank correctly.  Hence, option 4 can fill the blanks both grammatically and contextually correct making option 4 the correct answer.

Ans 4 :-5

Leeway-extra time, space, materials, or the like, within which to operate; 

Forge- make something from scratch



Inspecting-examining or checking

Distraction- having one’s attention drawn away

The correct word that can fill first blank meaningfully and contextually is A. The alternatives that come with A are E & F among which F fills the second blank correctly.  Hence, option 5 can fill the blanks both grammatically and contextually correct making option 5 the correct answer.

Ans 5 :-4

inscrutable-not easily understood



Competitiveness- an aggressive willingness to compete

Contentious- quarrelsome

Salvage-save or rescue

The correct word that can fill first blank meaningfully and contextually is definitely C. The alternatives that come with C are E & D among which D fills the second blank correctly.  Hence, option 4 can fill the blanks both grammatically and contextually correct making option 4 the correct answer.

Ans 6 :-3

Raking in- earning a lot of money or earning money easily:

Raking up- To revive or bring to light 

raking out- nagging, criticizing, or berating one, especially at length.


Core-basic or fundamental


The correct word that can fill first blank meaningfully and contextually is definitely A. The alternatives that come with A are E & D among which E fills the second blank correctly.  Hence, option 3 can fill the blanks both grammatically and contextually correct making option 3 the correct answer.

Ans 7:- 2



Vitreous-glasslike or clear

Exhilarating-making very happy


Disrupting-interrupting the progress of

The correct word that can fill first blank meaningfully and contextually is definitely B. The alternatives that come with B are F & E among which F fills the second blank correctly.  Hence, option 2 can fill the blanks both grammatically and contextually correct making option 2 the correct answer.

Ans 8 :-5

Criticised-disapproved or blamed



Holding with-supporting

Holding off-delaying doing something

Holding to-to remain loyal or faithful to

The correct word that can fill first blank meaningfully and contextually is definitely A. The alternatives that come with A are F & E among which E fills the second blank correctly.  Hence, option 5 can fill the blanks both grammatically and contextually correct making option 5 the correct answer.

Ans 9 :- 2

Scepticism- doubt or distrust



Scheduled- planned for a certain date



The correct word that can fill first blank meaningfully and contextually is definitely A. The alternatives that come with A are D & E among which D fills the second blank correctly.  Hence, option 2 can fill the blanks both grammatically and contextually correct making option 2 the correct answer.

Ans 10 :- 3


Incurred- acquired or come into (something usually undesirable) 

Assail-to attack violently




The correct word that can fill first blank meaningfully and contextually is B. The alternatives that come with B are E & D among which E fills the second blank correctly.  Hence, option 3 can fill the blanks both grammatically and contextually correct making option 3 the correct answer.

How To Prepare for English Quiz (New Pattern)?

Understanding the New Pattern

The new pattern focuses on assessing a candidate’s grasp of the language in real-life situations. It tests the ability to comprehend and use English in day-to-day scenarios, instead of relying solely on grammar rules. The questions in English quizzes now require critical thinking and a thorough understanding of the passage or sentence to answer correctly.

Tips to Prepare for the English Quiz

To excel in the English quiz section of the RBI Assistant and SBI Clerk exams, follow these steps:

  1. Enhance Reading Skills
    • Read newspapers, magazines, and articles to improve your vocabulary and reading comprehension skills.
    • Focus on understanding the context, identifying the main idea, and recognizing details in the passages.
    • Practice speed reading to save time during the exam.
  2. Vocabulary Development
    • Make a habit of learning new words regularly.
    • Use flashcards or mobile apps to memorize words along with their meanings, synonyms, and antonyms.
    • Contextualize new words by using them in sentences or conversations.
  3. Grammar and Sentence Formation
    • Brush up on the basic grammar rules and concepts.
    • Learn about sentence structure, subject-verb agreement, tenses, and parts of speech.
    • Understand punctuation and its importance in creating meaningful sentences.
  4. Practice with Mock Tests

Common Question Types in English Quiz

To ace the English quiz section, it’s crucial to be aware of the common types of questions that can be asked. Here are a few question types to understand:

  1. Reading Comprehension
    • Questions based on a passage that assess your understanding of the content, inference, and vocabulary.
    • Focus on understanding the context, finding the main idea, and answering specific questions.
  2. Cloze Test
    • A passage with missing words, and you need to fill in the appropriate words.
    • Pay attention to the context, grammar, and vocabulary while filling in the blanks.
  3. Spotting Errors
    • Sentences with incorrect parts that need to be identified and corrected.
    • Recognize grammatical errors, subject-verb agreement issues, incorrect usage of verbs, etc.
  4. Sentence Rearrangement/Para jumbles
    • A set of sentences that need to be rearranged to form a coherent paragraph.
    • Identify the logical flow, connect ideas, and arrange the sentences accordingly.
  5. Double Fillers
    • A sentence with two blanks, and you need to choose the correct pair of words to fill the blanks.
    • Understand the context and choose the words that fit logically and grammatically.

Time Management

Proper time management is crucial while attempting the English quiz. Here are some time management tips:

  1. Prioritize easy questions
    • Begin with questions that you find easier and can solve quickly.
  2. Set a time limit for each question
    • Allocate a specific time to solve each question to avoid spending too much time on one question.
  3. Skip difficult questions
    • If you are unable to answer a question within a few minutes, move on to the next question and revisit it later, if time permits.
  4. Revise and review
    • Allocate a few minutes towards the end to revise and ensure accuracy.


The new pattern of English quizzes in the RBI Assistant and SBI Clerk exams demands a comprehensive understanding of the language. By following the tips mentioned above and practicing consistently, candidates can improve their English language skills and perform well in the exams. Remember to focus on developing reading skills, enhancing vocabulary, mastering grammar rules, and practicing with mock tests. With dedication and effort, success in the English quiz section is attainable. Good luck!

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