Happy Mother’s Day: माँ!


To all the Mothers in the world, ixamBee wishes you all a very Happy Mother’s Day 2021. In this article, I am covering every little detail about Mother’s Day 2021 and the history behind it. But, before starting I would like to pay tribute to all the Mothers who are one of the Covid Warriors present in our home. You are never off-duty. In your tribute, I am quoting few lines here:

मैं शब्द ढूंढ़ती हूँ कि लिखूँ कुछ तुम्हारे नाम,

शब्द कुछ यूँ, जो दे “माँ” शब्द को एक अलग पहचान।

समेट के सभी अक्षर, बस इतना ही समझ पाई

माँ,क्या लिखूँ तुम्हारे नाम? 

मैं खुद ही हूँ तुम्हारी लिखाई।।

“माँ: Happy Mother’s Day”

~Mimansa Srivastav

Introduction To Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is observed every year to honour mothers, who play such an important role in one’s life. Every year on the second Sunday in May, this special day is commemorated. Mother’s Day in 2021 is on Sunday, May 9th. Mother’s Day has been celebrated for as long as there have been mothers.

मेरी दुनिया है माँ तेरे आँचल में

शीतल छाया तू, दुख के जंगल में।

~S.D. Burman

The lyrics of this song by S.D. Burman describes the feelings of a child towards his/her mother. Mothers are selfless, showering their children with unconditional affection and sacrificing all of their desires for their families. Our mothers do everything for us beginning from feeding to teaching us the lessons of life. They are always there.

History of Mother’s Day

The ancient Greeks and Romans celebrated the mother goddesses Rhea and Cybele with festivals, but the clearest modern precedent for Mother’s Day is the early Christian festival known as “Mothering Sunday.”

This festival, which falls on the fourth Sunday in Lent and was originally seen as a time when the faithful would return to their “mother church”—the main church in the vicinity of their home—for a special service. It was once a major ritual in the United Kingdom and parts of Europe.

Mothering Sunday evolved into a more secular holiday over time, with children giving flowers and other symbols of gratitude to their mothers. In the 1930s and 1940s, this tradition waned in popularity until being merged into American Mother’s Day.

Ann Reeves Jarvis and Julia Ward Howe

Mother’s Day as we know it today dates back to the nineteenth century in the United States. Ann Reeves Jarvis of West Virginia helped establish “Mothers’ Day Work Clubs” to teach local women how to better care for their children in the years leading up to the Civil War.

After the Civil War, these clubs became a unifying force in a part of the world that was still divided. Jarvis founded “Mothers’ Friendship Day” in 1868, at which former Union and Confederate soldiers met with mothers to encourage reconciliation.

Julia Ward Howe, an abolitionist and suffragette, was another forerunner of Mother’s Day. In 1870, Howe issued the “Mother’s Day Proclamation,” a rallying cry for mothers to work together to promote world peace. Howe campaigned for a “Mother’s Peace Day” to be observed every June 2nd in 1873.

Juliet Calhoun Blakely, a temperance leader who inspired a local Mother’s Day in Albion, Michigan, in the 1870s, is another early Mother’s Day pioneer. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Mary Towles Sasseen and Frank Hering collaborated to plan a Mothers’ Day. Hering has been dubbed “the father of Mother’s Day” by others.

Anna Jarvis Turned Mother’s Day Into a National Holiday

Anna Jarvis wanted the day to be commemorated because her mother had expressed such a wish. Jarvis took the initiative after her mother died and arranged a funeral for her in 1908, three years after her death. It took place at West Virginia’s St Andrew’s Methodist Church. Though she did not attend, it is said that she sent a telegram to the attendees emphasising the importance of the day. It is also said that she gave them 500 white carnations.

Within five years, almost every state had declared the day a holiday, and US President Woodrow Wilson declared it a national holiday in 1914. 

Mother’s Day Around the World

Though Mother’s Day is observed in different ways around the world, customs vary by region. Mother’s Day is often celebrated in August in Thailand, on the birthday of the incumbent queen, Sirikit.

In Ethiopia, families come together each fall to sing songs and eat a big feast as part of Antrosht, a multi-day festival celebrating motherhood.

Mother’s Day is still celebrated in the United States by giving gifts and flowers to mothers and other people, and it has become one of the most expensive holidays for consumers. Families often honour mothers by allowing them to take a day off from tasks such as cooking or other household chores.

Mother’s Day has been used to launch progressive and feminist movements in the past. In 1968, Coretta Scott King, Martin Luther King Jr.’s wife, held a march in support of underprivileged women and children on Mother’s Day. In the 1970s, women’s organisations used the holiday to emphasise the importance of fair rights and access to childcare.

Pandemic Mothers’ Day 2021

COVID-19 and lockdowns, contrary to popular belief, will make our Mother’s Day celebrations much more meaningful than in previous years. After 2020, we were reminded of the importance of staying in touch with those we care for. This is especially true for our mothers.

We should concentrate on strengthening our relationships with our mothers in addition to the normal focus on gifts and Mother’s Day events. The most precious gift you can give to your mother is” Time”. That might mean writing a favourite memory on a note, chatting on the phone for longer than usual, or sitting outside for tea or lunch—something you and your family will enjoy together.

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