Higher prices mean better quality?


“Change is inevitable and necessary to mark growth.”

Time moves on. Costs go up. But does it denote, “higher prices mean better quality?

You learn new things and refine your processes and get better results. We’re so pleased to hear how happy you were with last month’s figures. We’re getting some great results on the offers and courses and it looks to be driving growth.

We proud to be achieving such great results for our users. In order to ensure we can continue to provide exceptional service; we’ll be increasing the rates on all our courses up to 25-35% effective from October.

Why the prices are being increased?

In our continuing attempts to provide the best service possible, we have made few changes for your benefit. This new capability is forcing us to increase prices. The reason? It’s mentioned below; you wouldn’t be disappointed:

More Faculties for you: As there are an advancement in the courses offered, multiple new courses have been launched. So, the requirement of faculties has increased simultaneously increasing the quality of each course offered. These faculties are experts in their fields and have cleared several govt. competitive exams by themselves; knowing all the do’s and donot’s of the exams.

More no. of Live Classes: Earlier only one live class was scheduled for a day but after seeing the demands from our students we have increased the number of daily live classes per day. Now, two live class are scheduled on daily basis, one in the morning and the other in evening. Click below to see some:

KV Kamath’s key ratios and related numerical | Finance

Strategy For Management | How to prepare for Management | RBI Grade B | SEBI Grade A 2020

Banking terms

Concept of Capital for banks – CAR, Tier 1 and 2 capital -class 2

One-on-One session: Quality matters than quantity. We aim to deliver you best learning experience with our subject matter experts. The one-on-one session provides you a chance to interact with the faculty and clear all your doubts related to subjects and performance enhancement. The do’s and don’ts are categorized by the experts which leads you to gain more.

Interview Guidance: Along with the precise and curated content you are delivered with proper interview guidance to make your unforeseen vision much clear. The prompt approach needed to crack the interview is being taught to you by our expert faculties.

Ask the Experts : Mr Chandraprakash Joshi | RBI Grade B Interview Questions Part 11

Interactive session with on-field experts: Our main goal is to make all govt. exams easy. Knowledge of the subject along with the experience of working is provided to you by us. We always make sure to engage you in interactive sessions with the on-field experts. Below are some sessions like:

Rajesh Bansal |Ex- GM RBI – Career, profile, promotion, departments, salary, transfer, scholarship

In Conversation with Ms. Deepa Srivastava | Ex-CGM RBI

SEBI VS RBI Live Session With Mr. Prashant Saran (Ex-SEBI Whole Time Member)

More video lessons: Each matter when read and viewed simultaneously gets stored in our mind permanently. The more senses you involve while studying the more output you will get. We have increased the number of video lessons per subject to make you learn quickly and efficiently.

Recapitalization of banks

More no. of practice questions: Practice makes a man perfect; goes the adage. In the new vision of ours, we have increased the number of practice questions for you. Efficiency, accuracy and time-management are a must to crack the exam and it can only be achieved through dedicated practice. You will get 17000+ questions in our online course in the form of concept check questions after each video, full length mock tests, chapter tests & section tests.

Study hive: You’ve heard of bee-hive but we give you study-hive. The platform where you can interact in a group and can learn through group studying. We have created study hive groups in which student gets a test by faculty at 4pm daily and then all students join a call where they discuss all its questions, so this peer to peer learning helps a lot to build their concepts and gradually it helps to score higher. Concept clearance, making learning fun, easily understanding of topics are the main motive of study-hive.

We’re committed to offer you the quality you expect and deserve. We have found a way to minimize the price increase to the least possible amount while still achieving our desired goals. If you have any further questions or concerns regarding this price increase, please do not hesitate to reach out. Our team will be happy to discuss that with you.

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