IBPS Clerk Exam 2021: Previous Year Cut Off for Prelims and Mains exam


IBPS, on July 11, 2021, released an official notification for the posts of Clerk to fill 5830 vacancies. IBPS Clerk prelims exam is scheduled on August 28, 29 and September 04, 2021. The mains of the same is going to be held on October 31, 2021. 

Latest Update:

IBPS Clerk exam 2021 has been put on hold by the Ministry of finance till further notice. In order to discuss the demand coming from students of the south (to include other recognized regional languages as well), a committee has been constituted to look into the matter in its entirety. Right now, the exam is bilingual i.e. you can attempt the exam in either Hindi or English. There are 22 recognized languages in India. The committee will come with the result in 15 days.

The application window is also deactivated by the commission. It will soon get activated (after the issue of regional language will be resolved). 

Previous Year cut off plays a vital role in coming up with the final merit list. To get an overview of the level of the IBPS Clerk exam, it is essential to look at the Prelims and Mains cut off. IBPS Clerk exam 2021 is a great opportunity for eligible candidates, therefore, it should not be missed at any cost. 

Click here to read about the notification for the IBPS Clerk exam 2021. 

Factors Determining Cut off

The cut-off list for any exam is based on various factors. Some of the factors are 

  • Number of vacancies announced
  • The difficulty level of the exam
  • Normalization of marks 
  • If the exam has an interview or not
  • Number of candidates appeared for the exam. 

Let’s look at the previous year cut off for the IBPS Clerk Prelims exam

IBPS Clerk Prelims Cut Off 2020: Statewise

State NameCut Off
Andhra Pradesh78
Himachal Pradesh72
J & K77.5
Madhya Pradesh77.75
Uttar Pradesh73.5
West Bengal61.50

IBPS Clerk Mains Cut off 2020: Statewise

State/UT Category
Andaman and Nicobar NA NA NA NA 23.25
Andhra Pradesh 41.75 40.50 46.50 44.75 60.38
Arunachal Pradesh NA 30.13 NA NA 33.13
Assam 38.63 36.63 41.63 39.63 50.38
Bihar 49.88 33.38 46.00 45.63 55.63
Chandigarh 48.38 NA 40.25 40.25 55.38
Chhattisgarh 39.75 32.75 45.75 40.25 56.5O
Dadar and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu NA 31.50 NA NA 44.63
Delhi 49.63 44.00 55.00 48.50 65.75
Goa NA 33.5O 39.38 30.25 46.63
Gujarat 42.00 47.38 45.38 45.50 58.63
Haryana 40.75 NA 52.88 46.63 57.75
Himachal Pradesh 42.25 36.63 48.50 45.50 63.88
Jammu and Kashmir 42.63 34.00 57.75 42.25 56.25
Jharkhand 34.63 37.88 46.63 44.25 60.38
Karnataka 40.25 37.63 45.13 40.88 54.88
Kerala 39.88 NA 48.75 41.00 57.88
Ladakh NA 31.88 NA NA 30.63
Lakshadweep NA 12.38 NA NA 35.25
Madhya Pradesh 48.13 38.75 47.13 48.75 59.88
Maharashtra 49.38 47.50 50.13 49.13 55.50
Manipur 34.13 35.88 40.00 28.50 38.75
Meghalaya NA 29.88 NA NA 38.50
Mizoram NA 29.00 NA NA 33.13
Nagaland NA 31.50 NA NA 33.75
Odisha 45.38 39.13 45.50 46.50 57.13
Puducherry 36.13 NA NA NA 47.38
Punjab 55.5O NA 50.63 48.63 65.38
Rajasthan 46.13 40.25 43.38 46.13 66.38
Sikkim NA NA 39.38 NA 38.00
Tamil Nadu 46.88 28.00 61.25 46.25 61.75
Telangana 45.75 48.00 46.75 48.88 55.50
Tripura 38.63 31.88 NA 34.88 47.13
Uttar Pradesh 48.00 31.63 48.25 44.75 68.50
Uttarakhand 46.50 NA 52.00 46.50 61.25
West Bengal 43.50 40.50 43.88 44.75 56.00

Cut off for the year 2020 has been mentioned above. In case you want to know the cut off for 2019, and 2018, you can visit your previous year cut off section.

IBPS Clerk exam is an opportunity that should be taken seriously. The finance ministry will soon come to the conclusion and the exam will happen accordingly. You should not waste a second thinking about the postponement of the exam and prepare wholeheartedly for this. You can attempt the IBPS Clerk Prelims mock tests absolutely free of cost from our website. 

IBPS Clerk Exclusive Online Course

In case you need any further guidance, you can contact our executive and convey your concern. Due to an increase in demand, we have just launched an IBPS Clerk exclusive online course. You can read about it in our online course section. Some salient features of the course are  provided below: 

  • 375+ Video Lessons covering the entire syllabus of Prelims and Mains Exam for IBPS Clerk exams.
  • 100+ videos out of total videos prepared exclusively for Mains examination explaining the correct approach to solve difficult and time taking questions along with the concepts and shortcuts.
  • The study notes are in PDF format specially for the General and Financial Awareness Section, and wherever required for easy learning and quick revision.
  • 150+ Difficulty Based Chapter Tests divided into Easy, Moderate, and High Levels for each chapter for all the subjects to help you prepare systematically.
  • 23 Full-Length Mock Tests
    • 15 Full-length mock tests for IBPS Clerk Prelims
    • 8 Full-Length Mock Tests for IBPS Clerk Mains.
  • Total 7000 + practice questions with solutions and proper explanations in the form of Chapter tests, section tests, and Mock Tests make you practice exhaustively making you confident both for speed and accuracy to face the exam and come out with flying colours.
  • Live Classes for doubt clarification with the subject experts. 

At ixamBee you can find free Online Test Series, GK updates in the form of BeePedia, as well as latest updates for Bank PO, Bank Clerk, SSC, RBI, NABARD, and Other Government Jobs.

All the best for the IBPS Clerk exam 2021. 

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IBPS Clerk 2020 Exam Analysis

IBPS Clerk Notification 2021 [Out]!! 5830 Vacancies

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