NHB Assistant Manager 2022 Exam Analysis: Held on March 06, 2022


Rushing never saved the time that planning did.

National Housing Bank popularly called NHB conducted the online written examination for NHB Assistant Manager 2022 on March 06, 2022 (Sunday). Overall the exam was of easy level. Candidates who have attempted an overall 130+ with good accuracy can expect the interview call. In this article, we will discuss the detailed section-wise analysis of the NHB Assistant Manager Exam 2022. This will also be useful for the candidates who are going to attempt the NHB Assistant Manager Exam in future.

NHB Assistant Manager Exam 2022 Overall Analysis

In the NHB Assistant Manager Exam 2022, there were four sections of 200 marks. The descriptive paper was of 25 marks. As mentioned above 130+ marks can be counted as good attempts in this paper. You can look at the detailed NHB Assistant Manager Exam 2022 overall analysis from the table below.

Section NameGood AttemptsDifficulty Level
Reasoning and Computer Aptitude40+Easy
English Language22+Easy
Quantitative Aptitude30+Easy
General Awareness30+Moderate
Overall Good Attempts130+Easy- Moderate

NHB Assistant Manager Exam 2022 Section Wise Analysis

NHB Assistant Manager Exam 2022 Reasoning & Computer Aptitude Analysis

As per the candidates, the Reasoning section was easy and one could easily attempt 35-40 questions in this section. The questions were doable and one can easily score 40+ marks in this section. You can check the topic wise breakup of the Reasoning and Computer Aptitude section.

TopicsNo. of Questions AskedDifficulty Level
Puzzles (Uncertain number of people, Hierarchy and month, Circular seating arrangement)15Easy
Blood Relations03Easy
Machine Input Output05Easy
Logical Reasoning03Easy
Coded Direction03Easy
Old Inequality Pattern05Easy

NHB Assistant Manager Exam 2022 English Language Analysis

There were a total of 25 questions asked in this section. The section was easy. If you have attempted more than 22 questions, you can count it as a good number of attempts. Please check the table below for a detailed analysis of the NHB Assistant Manager English Language section.

TopicsNo. of Questions AskedDifficulty Level
Compounded Words04Easy
Sentence Rearrangement03-04 Easy
Match the Column02Easy
Cloze Test05Easy
Reading Comprehension05-06Easy

NHB Assistant Manager Exam 2022 Quantitative Aptitude Analysis

Quantitative Aptitude (with special focus on Data Analysis & Interpretation) was on an Easy to Moderate side this year. You can check the complete Quantitative Aptitude (with special focus on Data Analysis & Interpretation) from the table below.

TopicsNo. of Questions AskedDifficulty Level
Wrong Number series05Easy
Bar Graph, Line Graph and Percentage Mixed DI (Number of Books in Library)17-18Easy
Miscellaneous Questions07-08Easy
Quadratic Equations05Easy

NHB Assistant Manager Exam 2022 – General Awareness (with special focus on Economy & Banking) and Computer Knowledge) Analysis

The General Awareness section was Easy to Moderate level. Good attempts in this section can be 30+ questions. We have consolidated the exact questions that were asked in this section. Please look at the list below.

  1. Neta Ji Subash Chandra Bose 125th Book Name –
  2. First Hydrogen Flying Boat city
  3.  “Aye mere watan ke logon” song written by whom?
  4. Under which ministry “Republic Day parade” is organized?
  5. Google Abacus 2.0 collaborated with which bank?
  6. Which one is not an operating System ?
  7. Name the longest serving Chief Minister after Independence ?
  8. Tata (Air India) Partner with  SBI,BOB,__
  9.  Full form of NSLD___
  10. Ctrl+_ for center align
  11. VLSI Microprocessor Gen full form
  12. Starting Computer Embed Device__
  13. Best Private Bank Global Award has been given to?
  14. PMC and Unity Amalgamation Date?
  15. Academy Award is also known as?
  16. LIC Foundation day ?
  17. Indigo MD ?
  18. Jens Stoltenberg secretary general___
  19. ICRISAT campus location_____
  20. Nibble____ (4 bit)
  21. Current SLR?
  22. MEITY 300 USD Roadmap target year____
  23. Bata Brand Ambassador ?
  24. Summer Olympic 2028 be held in?
  25. India Paise Partner Bank __
  26. Pay U’s  Lazer Pay Card collaborated with which bank ?
  27.  FDI __to 2020-21 Economic survey
  28.  CVC ABFF ___ limit
  29. Bakhira Wildlife Sanctuary is situated in?
  30. 11010 Decimal Equivalent ?
  31. EPFO Nov ____ AIF %
  32. Who is the author of the “India, That Is Bharat” book?

NHB Assistant Manager Exam 2022 Analysis- Descriptive English         

NHB Assistant Manager Exam 2022 Descriptive English was of 25 marks in the exam. Candidates were asked to attempt 2 questions ( Essay and Letter) in a time limit of 30 minutes. Here are the topics that were asked in this section.

Letter Writing Topics – (Word limit-150 words)

  • Write a letter to the municipal commissioner in your society to discuss the drainage and sanitation system.
  • Write a letter to the branch manager regarding unauthorized transactions from your debit card

Essay Writing Topics – (Word limit-200 words)

  • Effects of prolonged use of digital media on children
  • Electric Vehicles: The future of transport
  • Discuss the hazardous impact of Bio-medical wastes on the environment and human health.

What will be the NHB Assistant Manager Cut Off?

Many of you may be contemplating the cut-off. This will be too soon to predict the cut off however, you can analyse the last year’s cut off to have an idea of this year’s expected cut off. We have provided a detailed bar graph of last year’s NHB Assistant Manager cut off

This is all for the NHB Assistant Manager 2022 exam analysis. We wish you all the best for NHB AM 2022 result which is going to be released soon. 

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